The Coaching Cafe Podcast

Burnout - what are we actually doing?

Open Door Coaching

In discussing key trends for 2024 in coaching we agreed that prevalence of mental health concerns and burnout in the workplace will be a major concern. In addition, the legislative response that enshrines the ‘right to disconnect’.  And last week Paula introduced us to this discussion. 

However, fresh from a week away (yes that’s a photo from her holidays above), it occurred to Natalie, with all this discussion and ‘prevalence’ what are we actually doing about it? What steps are we taking to ensure our mental health and prevent burnout as leaders, managers, coaches and in our many roles? What are the barriers that our clients (and ourselves) from taking real action? What does good coaching look like around this topic?

Join Natalie and Paula for this Coaching Café discussion as we also think about the role of coaching and coaching tools to apply to the topic.

If you are a regular, you know the vibe and the great contribution that you make to our discussions; so we look forward to welcoming you back and offering you a value-packed 30 minutes each Friday.

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