The Coaching Cafe Podcast

Ethics in coaching – the instant ‘fail’ at any level of ICF credential

Open Door Coaching

In the assessment of a coaching demonstration (known as the ICF Performance Evaluation) across the different levels of ICF credential, the competency of ‘Demonstrates Ethical Practice’ clearly states what a ‘fail’ would look like – that is, where a credential at any level would be denied.


With this in mind, we are digging back into our theme of exploring the ‘ICF Core Competencies’, specifically around ethics. This series is perfectly timed in the lead up to International Coach Week (13th – 19th May 2024), to give us an opportunity to reflect on ourselves as coaches and on our workplace coaching practice.  


Therefore, join the Natalie, Paula and Brigitte for this interactive Coaching Café discussion as we sharpen up our coaching skills by exploring what an ‘instant fail’ in a coaching demonstration would look/sound/feel like. And of course, how to avoid that situation in your coaching.  In particular, we tap into Brigitte’s knowledge and experience as an Assessor at the ICF PCC level for nearly 20 years. 

Watch the webinar of this episode or read the blog by visiting our website.

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