The Coaching Cafe Podcast

What does PCC-MCC coaching sound like?

Open Door Coaching

International Coaching Week gives us an opportunity to reflect on ourselves as coaches and on our workplace coaching practice.  And one of the best ways to do this is to listen to great coaching.  In fact, one of the most popular requests we receive is for coaching demonstrations; in particular for PCC or MCC level coaching.

Therefore, in this very special presentation as we listen to coaching by Brigitte Calvert our Learning and Development Manager. We will do this through the lens of the ICF Core Competencies.  Importantly, this is a coaching demonstration that will open your eyes to what it really means to explore, evoke awareness and partner with a client.

We guarantee some of the questions that Brigitte asks in the moment with intuition will really leave you saying ‘wow’.

Furthermore, to get the most out of this learning experience we recommend you can download the transcript ahead of time. In addition, download the ICF Core Competencies.

Watch the webinar of this episode or read the blog by visiting our website.

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